Monday, February 16, 2015

I Really Want to Yell!

As you get older, it seems that life gets more mundane, more calm, quieter, and one shows less outward enthusiasm. That's not to say I'm unhappy or melancholy. Quite the opposite. But I rarely raise my voice - I'm not talking about yelling at someone with malice or ill-intent. I'm simply referring to yelling, shouting, or raising your voice in fun.

Something chemically must happen in the body when you yell and shout with excitement. It just feels good. Endorphins, right? I'm sure endorphins must be involved. I just don't do it enough anymore. Ever once in a while I'll tease my teenage children and yell just to be fun and goofy and I feel alive. Sure, I do raise my voice in fun sometimes but not nearly enough. Why don't we yell more as adults?

When your young you yell all the time, whether it's down the hallway between classes in school, trying to get attention of a friend at a party, trying to entice the batter to swing at the ball on the diamond, or just yelling your friend's name because your pumped to see him. When you're young, you don't need a reason to raise your voice in excitement - it just happens.

I am going to add "yelling and shouting" to my mental list of New Year's resolutions. Of course, I'll need to be measured and careful. I can't just yell a co-worker's name in the hallway. "Heyyyy...Frankieeee...what's up dude!!!" At least I couldn't where I work. I need to engage in more outdoor activities where I can incorporate the art of yelling and shouting. Maybe local parks while hiking. Or golf. The way I play, I have to yell "fore!!!" quite often.

Yelling out the window on a sunny day in the country. I remember doing that before. That feels good. Yelling as loud as you can at cows on the side of the road - that's fun. How about yelling when and where one would least expect it. Go against the grain. That could be exciting or incredibly embarrassing.

One of my best "yelling" memories is from the day I got a hole in one on a par 4 hole. I thought the teens finishing on the green were yelling at me for hitting too close to them. So I yelled back - "Sorrrryyyyy!!!!" And I heard - " went in..." Then I yelled, shouted, and screamed. No words, just screams of exhilaration. Wow! That was fun.

I feel like yelling right now. It's just not appropriate. It's close to ten at night and people are sleeping. It's 10 degrees outside. It'll have to wait for warmer weather I suppose. But I will yell soon. And it'll feel good.

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